PrimeLegalCo. was founded by a small group of lawyers dedicated to providing advice and expertise at the highest levels.

We operate with a distinctive structure, maintaining a ratio of associates to partners significantly below that of other firms. Our unrivalled blend of expertise, agility and culture means we have the flexibility to meet our clients’ most challenging demands and adapt to the changing world around us.

We limit the type of matters we undertake to ensure that we can provide the specialization required to achieve the optimal results for our clients in any given matter.

We support every client relationship with intellectual alacrity and commercial astuteness to ensure the provision of value added legal service.

We pride ourselves on having local knowledge with a global reach. The firm has strong relationships with some of the leading law firms and practitioners across Europe, Middle East and North America.

We have a strong, independent culture, which is challenging and supportive, creating an environment where everyone, at whatever level, can thrive.

We also place a high degree on importance on having a positive impact on our community through service on public sector boards and contributing to numerous philanthropic and public policy causes. Our attorneys have taught courses at law schools in fields such as corporate law, legal writing, advocacy and tort law.